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简介:马克·鲁弗洛是美国威斯康辛州人,幼年时与其家人移居至弗吉尼亚,在那儿他度过了少年岁月。高中后,马克·鲁弗洛又与他的家人搬到圣迭戈,接着又搬到北部,最后定居在洛杉矶。Catherine Davis Higgins (born August 16, 1969) is an American voice actress, singer, and jazz pianist. Her major voice roles have been in English-language adaptations of Japanese anime, and she is b
  • 新闪电资源


马克·鲁弗洛是美国威斯康辛州人,幼年时与其家人移居至弗吉尼亚,在那儿他度过了少年岁月。高中后,马克·鲁弗洛又与他的家人搬到圣迭戈,接着又搬到北部,最后定居在洛杉矶。Catherine Davis Higgins (born August 16, 1969) is an American voice actress, singer, and jazz pianist. Her major voice roles have been in English-language adaptations of Japanese anime, and she is best known as the voice of Sakura Haruno in Naruto. She has also voiced C.C. in Code Geass and Saber in the original Fate/stay night. Between 2010 and 2013, she voiced Tails in the video game series Sonic the Hedgehog.[1] She also voices Kate, St...


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