出身豪门、为人粗枝大叶又自我中心的芷程(吴千语 饰)因为父亲工作的关系转学到南斗学院。在陌生的环境中,芷程重遇多年不见的表哥志坚(林德信 饰),虽在表面上对志坚刁蛮任性,但内心亦不禁视他为唯一的依靠。南斗学院校规严格,同宿舍的美云(张楚楚 饰)又是个难以相处的奇怪姑娘,一切都与昔日自由的生活大相径庭...Alex and Bebe are camped out in Baja California, Mexico, after their disastrous first attempt at a drug deal. Impatiently awaiting forged passports, they are unaware that Bebe's father has convinced her estranged husband Michael to find her. Michael soon arrives in Baja California, where it appears he isn't the only foreigner trying to find Alex and Bebe.但很显然,某傻子在关键时刻脑子没有掉线。只不过,这次的男主角从无名氏换成了傅瑾南。Beautiful half-breed Pearl Chavez becomes the ward of her dead father's first love and finds herself torn between her sons, one good and the other bad...During a midsummer weekend in the eighties a family gather in their summerhouse in the archipelago. The memory of the dead family father surfaces when Britt-Marie, now calling herself Hebriana, gets out from the mental hospital to celebrate midsummer with the family.明天早上四点钟来接我,我要去山顶看日出。就怕他的野心已经超过了申先生您可以掌控的范围,毕竟,手中已经得到了权力的人,最怕的就是失去。到那时候,申先生您就是他的大敌。他此前就已经担忧申先生您会重新接手滨城的业务,想来是已经有了防备——故事讲述17世纪中期,丹麦国王弗雷德里克五世宣布日德兰岛的野生荒地应被驯化、耕种、殖民化,以便文明可以传播,为王室带来新税收。但没有人敢去这片荒蛮土地,直到名叫路德维格·卡伦的士兵站了出来。